Time travel is possible - well, it is for me anyway being whisked away to another time and place. As corny as this may sound, I was transported back to the Summer of 1979 when I was 8 years old watching Star Trek : The Motion Picture. As soon as the opening scene began of this Star Trek reboot I remember how I felt sitting in a crowded theater in Texas bursting with excitement and amazement the first time the U.S.S. Enterprise appeared on screen. I pissed my pants back then and almost let history repeat itself 30 years later.
I was a fan of the tv series but not a complete " Trekkie", but my brother and I had toy phasers and he built a toy model replica of the U.S.S. Enterprise that he never let me touch in his presence. I stealthily managed to get my thrills playing with it when he wasn't around making sure I put it back on the display stand exactly how I found it. (He was never the wiser about it either!) While his phaser was set on "stun", I always kept mine on "kill" or rather "blast big brother to smithereens"! No doubt it is easy to guess who would always win. But I digress...
Even though there were some plot holes in the movie, J.J. Abrams and his team did a marvelous job rebooting the Star Trek franchise. Kudos to all those brilliant people involved. From the get-go the movie races off to a blistering start and never slows down after the first scene. Its easy to get pulled in - the movie in essence (**spoiler alert**) is a magnificent black hole that is un-relenting and keeps your ass glued to your seat at least up until the closing credits. The special effects are amazing albeit reminiscent of Star Wars but contrary to what some movie critics have said, this is not an effects driven film. The story and the acting are what makes this a great movie. The special effects serve only as "the cherry on top" if you will.
The entire
Star Trek cast is pitch perfect resulting in great chemistry amongst the actors. From Chris Pine to Anton Yelchin, these actors channel some of the original actors/characters. Chris Pine ( James Tiberius Kirk), Karl Urban (Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy), and Simon Pegg ( Scotty) are the most convincing as the young versions of the original cast. Every actor was given their catchphrases but they did not appear silly. Seeing Leonard Nimoy reprise his role as an older Spock (
**spoiler alert**) save Kirk from the huge and hungry red snow creature was a real treat. The audience yelped with glee when Nimoy's face first appears on screen.
One thing is certain- JJ Abrams and crew know how to make fun, action packed, highly enjoyable movies and television shows (Alias, Lost, and Fringe). Let us hope they continue to entertain us cinephiles for years to come. I, for one, can not wait for the next Star Trek installment. "Warp speed ahead, Mr. Sulu".
Rating : 3.5 out of 4 stars
Great review, spot on!
Posted by: Bubba | May 11, 2009 at 09:39 PM
The wonderful cast of “Star Trek” manage to create a world that seems as fascinating and gripping as it seems possible. I think this film was the best critically received film of 2009, while also being a smashing hit with audiences worldwide, and that should speak volumes on its part.
Posted by: jeux d enfant | October 05, 2009 at 12:47 AM